
Economy is booming, a second boxcar was needed

More and more goods are shipped on my Traction Line, so a second boxcar was really needed. It is a again an Interurban CERA standard trailer with rounded ends. Both cars lo nearly identical, but they aren't.

Printed grabs (left) , wire grabs (right)

The newest car, the red one, was printed with solid handrails. The green car has hand mounted grab irons made of 0.3 mm wire.

Floor, with printed truss rods
Printed brake wheel and grabs. 
But as I am a little bit lazy, I tried to print the grabs with the body, in Shapeway's material "Frosted Detail".

The result is not so bad. Level of detail is the equivalent of 1970 plastic models. The handmade grab irons are a little more realistic, but the difference is hard to see, for my aging eyes ....

This means that the goal of a "ready to mount" 3D model is nearly achieved. All you need is to mount a pair of Kadee trucks, screw the furnished drawbars and clip the couplers. A coat of primer, and some paint, and the boxcar is ready to roll.

But now a box motor is badly needed.

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