
A little journey into a fictional past

Contemplating the finished street track paving on my HO scale layout.


  1. Anonymous2/13/2014

    That looks great. Would you please post more photos? How did you simulate the paving? Is this a portable section that you could take to shows?


  2. I will post more photos soon ;-) The trackwork is Tillig Luna Tram Track, the paving is printed over the plastic covers. This track system is expensive, but quick to lay. My layout is sectionable, but this is less for going on shows but more for easier maintenance, and because it is built into a double IKEA book rack.

    regards Volkmar

  3. Anonymous2/15/2014

    Here's an idea, you could make a series of brick pavement for trolley track. One of the tedious aspects of trolley modeling is carving the bricks. In the american tradition, often there were bricks parallel and alongside the tracks and then perpendicular between the tracks. A long straight, a series of different curved radius, and some standard switches would be very helpful. And since H0 is half of 0, it is an easy scale up.


  4. Wow, looks great. Could you share your track plan and what you are planning to build? That is a complicated intersection and that track work and paving looks great. How did you build that in to an IKEA book rack? That is a great idea.


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