
Niles 51 ft Interurban wooden Combine

51 ft wooden Interurban Combine, built by the Niles Car & Mfg. Co., with "Providence" fender. Cars of this type were in service on the Ohio Public Service line, The Lake Shore Electric and the Toldedo & Western. 


  1. Excellent! I've been wanting to create one of these and you beat me to it. Would it be possible to do a version with squared-off end windows like the Lake Shore Electric did to their Niles cars in the 1920's?



  2. Of course I will do this version, this is nearly done: http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4155665/interurban/LSE.png

  3. Anonymous12/18/2014

    Cool Volkmar. It is also very very close to the Milwaukee Northern Car. You would have to move the Front doors forward, convert the single front windows to a doubles in the now available space, remove the rear left door, shift the Oval window into its place, and convert the rear left single window into a double. http://milwtransit.org/WP/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/The-New-Milw.Northern-Interurban-Sheboygan-WI.jpg

  4. You may speak about this car http://donsdepot.donrossgroup.net/dr0105/mn8.jpg ? I think that could be done by "kitbashing" the different modules in 3D. I have already drawn the front end with its slightly higher center window. But firts let my finish the Ohio versions ...

  5. Anonymous12/19/2014


    That's it!

    I should show you my 2-D plans that I've made for a Jamestown, Westfield & Northwestern interurban.

    I need to add rivets, Underbody details, and turn it into 3-D. That's semester two at our college.

    I hope to have it available in N, H0, and 0 scale.

