
Searching the right tan (The true colors of Indiana Service Corp)

"Bambou Tan" of  1965 Datsun cars
There is still a big mystery around the "tan" color scheme of the Indiana Service Corporation. The color was described as Pratt and Lambert's Vitralite "light tan", but it is not easy to recover what this color really was.

The roofs were green and doors and windows red, the striping also green. What could be the nearest color matching ISC "light tan"?

"Deck Tan" Floquil

It is told that eye witnesses compared ISC tan to a tan color of 1965 Datsun cars. I made some renderings, one with a simulation of Datsun "Bamboo tan", and some others with various Floquil tan colors.

What is the best? 

"Early Tan" Floquil

"Sand Tan" Floquil

"Tan Special" Floquil

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1/27/2014

    I think the 65 Datsun "looks" right. Are the shades of green and red accurate?
