
Improving the blog

The layout of this blog is changing. The reason is that Bloggers "dynamic content layout" had a quite pretty look, but works sometimes very erratic. And some features I wanted to have were were nearly impossible, like a list of favorite blogs. I always wanted to link to these blogs, as many of them were linking to mine. Also the different sections like drawings and the book section were hard to handle in the former layout.

In the next two weeks, this blog may change often, as I will try out some features, rejecting them later again. But soon, things will be in order, for me and for you, dear reader....


Checking clearances of the Bowser drive

Ft Wayne - Lima Interurban with Bowser drive
To check the clearances of the Bowser Drive, I modelized the essential parts in "full scale". The blue parts are the original Bowser parts who will be translated onto the custom made floor of the Fort Wayne - Lima combine.

Obviously, the free view accross the passenger compartment is lost. This may be achieved later with an Hollywood drive.


Motorisation of the Ft Wayne - Lima Combine

Engineering of the floor plate is under way, in its first version for the Bowser drive. Later I will try a Hollywood Foundry "high end" motorisation.

With a Bowser drive, the car could look like this. Bogie rotation, currently about 16°, may be improved up to a maximum of 20°.


3D brass printed pilot

This is the renedring of the 31-spoke pilot, with his fixing structure.

Drawing this part, with his incurved upper and triangular lower part, was not so easy as it could seem.

Now, I hope that the result would meet my expectancies...