
The Oneonta & Mohawk Valley Combine painted

Oneonta & Mohawk Valley Combine, H0 scale

The Oneonta & Mohawk Valley Combine has received some coats of paint and weathering.

The cars was hand painted, except the sprayed primer coat. Alco truck frames are mounted. Ready for the East Penn Traction Meet...

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful work.

    I don't want to take anything away from your fine work, but perhaps make a suggestion.

    I've had good results removing the build lines on RP printed models using acetone vapors. Place the model and a dish of acetone in a closed area for a set amount of time tends to smooth out build lines.

    The key is experimenting and knowing you might smooth away all the details!

    See more: http://hackaday.com/2013/03/23/smoothing-3d-prints-with-acetone-vapor/


