
Cincinnati & Lake Erie Interurban Freight Trailer (update)

C&LE  Freight Trailer
"If you don't have enough time for your projects, start a new one".

So I did this "fine scale" 3D model of an interurban freight trailer, in the colours of the Cincinnati & Lake Erie Railroad.

This may be a trailer build following CERA standards (Central Electric Railway Association). (Edit : This is not a CERA Trailer)

If I found the appropriate colors, I could create a version with other roadnames.

This 3D-model is based on a diagram from the Jack Keenan book, "Cincinnati & Lake Erie Railroad - Ohios Great Interurban System", page 220, diagram made by Mark Hood.

Update dec 1 : Added some handrails, a higher roof and the roadname.

Still missing : hand brake, brake pipes, steps, trailer number ...


  1. Anonymous12/26/2011

    Today my grandfather showed me a photo dating to the 1930s of a Cincinnati and Lake Erie interurban car he is researching for his model railroad. He was hoping to find a reference to the colors of this line's cars -- I'm so glad I found your blog! He will be very excited to see this. If the two of you would like to correspond I can put him in touch. Thanks, celeste

  2. According to the Jack Keenan book and to some available color photos, C&LE motor cars were "tuscan red".

    In any way, I would to be glad to share and learn more about C&LE and other Interurbans. I added my mailadress in the navigation bar ("Contact").

    best regards
