Have a look in my railway drone kitchen lab. I received all the necessary parts and made a test mount.
(1) Dension WLAN remote controller
(2) Lithium-Ion battery - 3.7V
(3) Step-up module - makes 12V from 3.7V
(4) Camera - optional
(5) WLan dongle connected to (1)
(6) Motor controller (type Thor 4s)
(7) NWSL Stanton drive (type 1210)
Remembering the goal: building an H0 Interurban car, remote controlled by your Smartphone via WLAN, battery powered, only using commercially available and reasonably priced parts. Avoiding reinventing the wheel...
Step Up module 3.7V > 12V |
It works, it works! All parts interact together. Assembling just asks to mount the modules patiently step by step. No real knowledge of RC modeling is necessary. The Dension WLAN Controller acts as a WLAN hotspot.
After downloading a Dension WIRC iPhone (or Android) app, you can control your NWSL Stanton motor drive, running forward or backward, slow or faster. You can control your motor drive by a virtual joystick, or with the gyroscope of your smartphone, tilting the phone left or right.
Lithium Ion battery |
NWSL Stanton |
As an option, you can add an on board miniature camera, who sends a real-time video stream back to your smartphone. So you can really look out of the window of your car travelling. But this option is a little bit energy consuming, perhaps I must install two or three LiIon batteries.
Camera and microphone |
The next step is to put in all the parts on a floor of on of my big wooden interurban combines. The parts could fit, but some excess of cables must be cut down. In any case, you will loose all interior space for batteries and circuit boards. Don't expect to modelise car interiors with this technique, at least in H0 scale. But if miniaturization goes on, who knows ...
Dension WIRC WLAN Controller |
Also, the USB connectors are currently very big, comparing to the very small electronic parts. Soldering the cables directly to the boards after cutting the USB plugs may be an option.