
The Cornice of the Traction Terminal Building

The cornice and frieze of the Indianapolis Traction Terminal Building
Some profile drawing was done.

As a joke, I put my own profile on the corbel carved with a stylised head.

On the real Terminal Building, there was a great variety of faces decorating the corbels.

Another range of faces  was on the upper ceiling of the cornice.


New challenge : the 9th floor of the Terminal Building

There is no 3D without a good bi-dimensional drawing. This is already very tricky with all this lintels, arches, columns, parapets and ornaments...

Thank you Mr. Burnham for complicating my life :-)


New arrivals in my library

On my first trip to the US - but not beyond New York City - I found the very fine Jerry Marlette book "Indianapolis Railways".

This book contains some information about the Traction Terminal that I missed, specially about the trackplan and the freighthouses, including the mysterious 4th freighthouse between Market and Wabash Street.