
Indianapolis Traction Terminal, with some tracks and switches

A track laying gang have done some work.

I have no drawing who gives details about the exact position of the trackwork in Market Street, unlike the freight terminal tracks in Ohio Street who are well-documented.

But I made the tracks with the same elements: Curves of 45' and 50', and switches with a 45' radius.


Some (virtual) Niles Interurban spare parts

3D drawing drives me crazy ;-) .

This side panels are made of one standard element that could be "cloned" several times to obtain a car of a given length. Windows are "functionally" and could be raised into the gothic sashes.

 The monitor roof is still a challenge, as it would be a vintage MCB "high speed" truck.


A short brake with the painful 3D drawings

Yesterday, I found two Suydam Brass Interurbans in a model train shop in Paris - and bought them immediately. Suydam models are very rare in Europe and hard to obtain. So I have now a big Niles wooden 1907 car (painted green) and a smaller Chicago North Shore 700 (brass). Basic condition is surprisingly good, and I will start to clean them and remove paintings. Following the guidelines of Master Mechanic Dan D. Sparks , I will try a careful restauration of this fine cars.