
Some tests and trials before modelling the buildings

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The train shed is nearly finished. Some tests and trials before modelling the buildings.


Traction Terminal Shed - details

Some details are still missing in my drawings and in the 3D-model, like this X-girders under the roof. 


Traction shed roof inclination

For a long time, I avoided to calculated the exact inclination of the roof. I left school so long time ago. But today it was done : The exact figure is 29.191° .


Modelling the train shed in 3D [2]

Actually, I am modelling the longitudinal X-girders. The entire shed structure could be finished soon.

The rivets are omitted at this stage, because their placement on the X, Y, and z axis is very complex and they need some preparation. But they could be added later without problems.

This 3D model is based on original drawings and the error margin is now less than a quarter of an inch. 


Indianpolis traction terminal shed drawing in pdf

Here is the pdf file of an end truss half section (trusses 1 and 7) with a "typical column". The blueprint is bigger than A4.

A simplified, printer-friendly outline version is here scaled to 1 : 87 (HO) and sized to A4. Red lines are 0.1 pt thick. Some laser cutting shops may be able to cut this form out of a piece of paper, styrene or acryl.

If your hands and eyes are in good condition, you will able to do it with a cutter on the kitchen table. I will try it this evening ;-).

The trusses 2 to 6 are similar, but they have only simple diagonal girders and no x-girder. This drawings will follow.


Indianapolis Traction Terminal - The Train Shed redrawn

Click twice to see biggest drawing
I have redrawn the train shed truss, more detailed, with a better precision, and riveted. Not less than five six different L-profiles were used for the trusswork. From 3.5"x3.5" up to 6"x6". The different profiles are indicated by colors.

The scale of the basic drawing is now 1:72 or one computer point for one inch. All figures are recalculated to inch. Fractions are rounded up or down to 0.25", 0.5" or 0.75"  (I think this is enough!).

The pdf of this blueprint will soon be available for download. Next step is the new drawing of the five inside trusses and of the longitudinal girders. And than a patient work to built an entire 3D-model of the whole train shed. A lot of iron ...


Traction Terminal Shed - Counting rivets

Drawing work requires patience. The trusswork is not made of really standardized pieces and profiles. And there are so many rivets.

Fortunally, the inner spans are nearly all the same, so that once drawn one (or even a half one) I will "copy and paste". More coming soon....


3D modelling of the Traction Terminal Train Shed

As announced, I started drawing the Train Shed in 3D-Software (Cinema4D). All elements are drawn in Illustrator on a scale of 1/72 (1DTP-point equals 1 inch), and then imported into Cinema4D.

The first truss is done - and the result is surprising. Some details as rivets are still missing. But work is progressing easier than thought.


Thoughts on scale

When I started drawing, I used metric scale. Nothing but normal for an European. But quickly I feel that recalculating all North American sources would be difficult. So I switched to a scale of 10 computer-points equalling 1 foot. Not so bad, except for very small details. Converting inch to decimal feet is not always easy. Rounding up or down the figures creates sometimes small gaps. 

During last weeks, I recieved many very fine documents. They will permitting me to draw details of unthinkable precision. So I consider to switch to 1 computer-point equalling 1 inch, or 1 foot = 12 points. Older drawings could be reused after scaling up to 120 percent.


Anderson Shops - Union Traction Co. of Indiana

During Summer holidays I searched for a subject a little bit easier than the pharaonic work on the Inianapolis Traction Terminal. I found some plans of the UTC Anderson Shops. Only little work was done. As my work on the Terminal has priority, there will be not so much progress. But if anybody feels inspired...


Indianapolis Traction Terminal Building - Details

Indianapolis Traction Terminal Building
Corner Details
An unknown contributor posted a message with a floor plan of the Terminal Building. I learned that my plan was not so bad, but perfectible.
I estimated that the building was drawn on a raster of 15'9" . In fact it was 15'10". I will change this.

Also I had to narrow the columns of 1st and 2nd floor, 3'6" instead of 4' wide. All this will be finished soon. Based on this, built the elevation on Market Street will be an easy game. 


Indianapolis Traction Terminal - The trackplan

The trackplan and the map of "Block 47" was updated.

 The situation shows the freight station with all three freighthouses and adjacent tracks.


Indianapolis Traction Terminal Building - Illinois Street

Indianapolis Traction Terminal Building - Illinois Street
I made a pause of several month, but now work is resuming. 

This is the Indianapolis Traction Terminal Building, with the Main Entrance on Illinois Street. As it may have been ...

Some improvements are still to do, but soon I will continue my drawing work on the Market Street side and the train shed.


Traction Terminal Building - Main Entrance

This is the Main Entrance of the Indianapolis Terminal Building on Illinois Street. As it was, or as it could has been.  

Not less than six eagles are guarding the entrance. Four little wooden eagles on the door posts and two stone eagles over the Art-deco lamps.


Traction Building, elevation Illinois Street

I took my toolkit and compiled it to show the last seven floors of the building

Next step would be the reconstruction of the street level and the 1st floor.